Sunday, March 21, 2010

Polymath 5.1 Great equation solver:

 HI everyone !

 I am a great admirer of the ability of polymaths to solve non-linear explicit/implicit equations as well as solving differential equations with the great ease  which is very much required in Thermodynamics and Chemical Reaction Engineering courses ;but guys there are some things I don't like about this software.
1. You cannot select simultaneously a set of equations and paste them in a new polymath file 5.1 ,you have to do it one by one.

2. And, guys most importantly choose the right equation solver in the first time otherwise there is no way to switch to a different solver with all the equations written in other solver. Also define the independent variable before you start entering equations just to avoid mistakes.

3. It cannot solve differential equations with two independent variable.

4 Option for graph is not available with NLE solver and even in DEQ solver we can plot the graph between single dependent and independent variable.

The feature for  Graph generation is awesome .Though nowadays many people use Matlab but my personal observation is that solving such NLE and DEQ equations in polymaths is more comfortable job because in matlab while using fsolve function the variables in the equation needs to be converted in a specific variable format ( x(i), i= 1, of variables). 

Enjoy solving with above tips in your mind to save your time..........................

Follow these link to learn how DEQ and NLE solvers work   
a) Differential equation solver:
b) No-Linear equation solver:

Polymath 6.0 also gives the facility for solving ODE's and it is an advanced version with much improved interface and interactive ability. 

Solving ODE's with polymath 6.0 follow this link:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why Chemical Engineering ?

My first post on this blog is for those who are in a dilemma that whether they should opt for chemical engineering after their 12th grade. This was the situation I faced at the time of counseling but to be very honest I just took it without knowing what will be the consequences, whether I will like it or will just pass through it. I was lucky that I  find it interesting and  today there are various fields where we need Chemical Engineers.
 First of all let me clear your doubt that most people fear from "Does chemical Engineering has to do anything with chemistry ?" ; Friends, at the undergraduate level there is nothing from chemistry in Chemical Engineering to be fear from. Later on various topics of material science, drug design may involve chemistry in depth. At undergraduate level  mass transfer , heat transfer,thermodynamics , fluid mechanics ,transport phenomena ,process control and equipment design are the basic courses . These days various deemed universities have biochemical engineering rather than chemical engineering which is a result of vast application of chemical engineering in growing biotechnology sphere.

Its about controlling and designing processes mainly which is very interesting ,optimizing a process is  the heart  of any design for which a Chemical Engineer is paid a handsome salary. They are in great demand in refineries,food processing industries,petroleum extraction and reservoir engineering.Today developing software's having an application in industries is becoming an emerging  field which attracts the chemical youth. So here I end my post with a hope that this will give you all an insight what chemical engineering is about and will help you deciding it as a career                        